Bergenstraat 72
3053 Haasrode

VAT BE 0838.491.853
+32 16 40 32 86

We love to make time for you. Therefore, we prefer to receive you by appointment.

Verzekeringspolis beroepsaansprakelijkheid en borgstelling via NV AXA Belgium (polisnr. 730.390.160)

BIV: Supervisory authority: Professional institute of real estate brokers, Luxemburgstraat 16B te 1000 Brussel. Subject to the deontological code of the BIV
Real Estate Agent BIV (België) BIV 202 930 (België) - Christiaan De Ronne

Verzekeringspolis beroepsaansprakelijkheid en borgstelling via NV AXA Belgium (polisnr. 730.390.160)

Official CIB member - The applicable corporate professional rules CIB can be found under

We love to make time for you. Therefore, we prefer to receive you by appointment.